Do You Qualify?
Understanding how much of a mortgage you can qualify for. |
Compare Interest Only vs. Principal
Calculate the difference between interest only mortgage & principal mortgages |
Calculate Amortized Payments
Determine the monthly payment amount based on the amount borrowed & more ... |
Meet a Payoff Goal
How much additional monthly payment is necessary to pay off your mortgage? |
Estimate the savings in taxes that can be realized due to interest & property taxes! |
Compare Consolidation & Re–Financing
Compare refinancing a single mortgage vs. consolidating a first & second mortgage ... |
Refinancing a Mortgage
See the cost and savings of refinancing at a lower interest, net of closing costs... |
Compare Monthly vs. Bi–weekly
Save more by making one half of your mortgage payment every two weeks ... |
Compare Mortgage Rates
See the differences in mortgage payments and interest costs at different rates ... |
Compare Term of Your Mortgage
This calculator will compare monthly payments of different mortgage terms ... |